2016's Top Trends for a Successful Franchise Intranet

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What's the key to a successful Franchise Intranet Platform? Nielsen Norman Group just presented a list of 2016's 10 best Intranets in the World. We can distinguish an increased focus on engaging content. Content production has been a very trendy the recent years, and more and more companies have start to understand the benefits of pushing out relevant content when it comes to communication towards customers. Perhaps this understanding and awareness has been spread to internal communication as well. We certainly hope so.

Your franchisees and co-workers have the same need, if not more, for relevant information as you customers do. If you're expecting a high information adoption and engagement among your franchisees, they should at least expect relevant and engaging content from you.

In Nielsen Norman Group's 500-page study highlights strategies used by this year’s winning intranet teams. Here are top 3 trends to emerge for a successful Intranet, presented in their press release:

1. Expanded User Research

Knowing that the only way to ensure a great design is to understand what employees do and need, this year’s winning intranets expanded their user research beyond occasional surveys to include conducting in-depth personal interviews with key stakeholders and observing users as they perform tasks.

2. Multi-language Support

The decision about whether to offer multi-language support for an intranet is often made at the upper-management level. It appears from this year’s roster of winning intranets that more companies are recognizing the benefits of providing translation capabilities.

3. Photos Gain Prominence

As a result perhaps of better cameras on phones today or an increased commitment to providing more-engaging content, all of the winning intranets prominently feature high-quality photographs.

Download Nielson Norman Group's full study on the their website. 

Learn how to implement these strategies

We just recently released our new Franchise Intranet platform and all above strategies can be implemented with our new intranet version. If you're interesting in finding out more schedule a web demo with one of our experts today.

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