How a Five Minute Status Check Can Boost Your Franchise

Posted in -, Chainformation Blog on by Chainformation Team

5 minutesA real franchise leader understands the importance of equipping franchisees with the right knowledge, at the right time. Do your franchisees have visibility of what marketing campaigns are in the pipe for the first quarter – and are they on board? Do your franchisees know what’s expected of them, performance wise, and compliance wise? Have they bought into your vision and goals? There is no such thing as under-communicating – the key is how, and with what tools you communicate. Our new online assessment tool takes only five minutes to fill out and provides an instant status-check and customized tips about what you can do to improve your communications strategy.

Please visit the 2015 franchise assessment survey here: LINK

If you are still looking to learn more about franchise communications and how to improve your delivery of know-how, we recommend the following recent posts:

You may also be interested in our upcoming webinars. Simply register for one of our upcoming sessions to learn how franchise software can become an integral part of your business and help drive conformity.
