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Know-how drives performance - Compliance drives Brand value

A well trained workforce with access to know-how in the digital space will work smarter, more efficiently, and at greater speed.

Does having the right tools improve a franchise's internal communications capabilities?

I recently came across a really interesting and well written article “How the right tools can improve a franchise's internal communications” in a UK based Franchise Magazine, EliteFranchise. The author Jon Card, brings up the subject of how important internal communication and franchisee support is as an integral part of franchise growth and success. He interviewed a number of franchise [...]

10 signs that your Franchise Network needs a common hub for in-chain communication.

Posted in Chainformation Blog, Franchise Intranet on by Chainformation Team

You need to do everything in your power to help everyone be compliant to Concept, Brand and Customer expectations.How do you secure that critical know-how reaches the right part of your organization, that your franchise manual gets read and that your marketing material has the same appearance across your franchise network?

Today, managing the flow of information and daily business support in a [...]

How a Franchise Intranet Enables Business Growth

Posted in -, Chainformation Blog on by Chainformation Team

So you want to grow your business? Are you contemplating on expanding your business to other locations? As any business leader will tell you, expansion comes with increased pressure on good management skills and control.

2016's Top Trends for a Successful Franchise Intranet

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What's the key to a successful Franchise Intranet Platform? Nielsen Norman Group just presented a list of 2016's 10 best Intranets in the World. We can distinguish an increased focus on engaging content. Content production has been a very trendy the recent years, and more and more companies have start to understand the benefits of pushing out relevant content when it comes to communication [...]

How to Measure Franchise Intranet Success

What value does your intranet bring to your franchise network? Are your franchisees more engaged and effective than they would be without it? How important do your co-workers think it is? You spend a lot of time, resources and effort on your franchise intranet, so no wonder you want to know if it’s successful or not. In our last post we discussed why you should measure the success of your [...]

Do You Measure The Success of Your Franchise Intranet?

If measuring intranet success is a good idea or not, seems like a question with an obvious answer. Measuring success is the key to pretty much everything, and your franchise intranet is no exception. I was therefore planning to write a blog post about how to measure intranet success. Then I had second thoughts. If it’s that obvious, how come I run into people every now and then who say they want [...]

Is Know-How a Dealbreaker in Your Franchise?

How can you be certain that critical know-how reaches the right individuals in your franchise network? And how do you know that your franchise manual gets read and used?

How a Five Minute Status Check Can Boost Your Franchise

Posted in -, Chainformation Blog on by Chainformation Team

A real franchise leader understands the importance of equipping franchisees with the right knowledge, at the right time. Do your franchisees have visibility of what marketing campaigns are in the pipe for the first quarter – and are they on board? Do your franchisees know what’s expected of them, performance wise, and compliance wise? Have they bought into your vision and goals? There is no such [...]

5 Sure Fire Signs You Are Not Communicating Effectively, And a Simple Fix

If you can identify your business from at least two of the scenarios below, then our free franchise assessment survey is for you: